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Periodontitis treatment at Tannlege in Oslo

Periodontitis is a gum disease that starts with an inflammation of the gums and later spreads to the jawbone. Slowly, the severe gingivitis has caused the tissue that attaches the tooth to break down and the symptoms can be that the teeth become loose and can eventually fall out. Periodontitis is a slowly developing, chronic disease, and there will always be a risk that the disease will return.


What is periodontitis

The main cause is usually food residue left on the teeth in the gums. This creates the basis for the formation of plaque and tartar, which provides a good breeding ground for bacteria. The bacteria cause inflammation in the area (gingivitis) and can also cause cavities in the teeth (tooth decay), therefore good dental hygiene and regular check-ups are important to maintain good oral health.

Periodontitis is the most common cause of tooth loss. It is primarily an inflammatory disease
affects the tissue that holds the tooth in place. This disease affects many people and is
most common cause of tooth loss in Norway.

Periodontitis is usually a slow-growing problem. If you don't get treatment, it can take years
before one or more teeth disappear. Serious symptoms often only occur in the final phase, in the form of
swelling, pain and loose teeth. Smokers develop periodontitis much faster and possible consequences
does not appear earlier than non-smokers. If you smoke and feel discomfort contact a dentist.

Panoramic X-ray

A panoramic X-ray , also known as panoramic radiography, is a two-dimensional image of your entire mouth. It captures the upper jaw, lower jaw, teeth, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and surrounding structures. It gives a broad overview of your dental health and is useful for evaluating conditions such as impacted teeth, jaw bone abnormalities, cysts, tumors and general dental and bone health.


  • Gums that bleed easily (not noticeable in smokers, due to nicotine's effect on
    blood vessel)
  • Feeling that the teeth are loose
  • Often bad breath
  • Swollen gums


- Scaling removes tartar and bacteria from the tooth surfaces and under the gums. It can be performed using instruments, a laser or an ultrasound device.

– Root planing. Root planing smoothes the root surfaces, prevents further build-up of tartar and bacteria, and removes bacterial by-products that contribute to inflammation and delay healing or reattachment of the gums to the tooth surface.

- Topical or oral antibiotics can help control bacterial infection. Topical antibiotics may include antibiotic mouth rinses or the insertion of gels containing antibiotics in the space between the teeth and gums or in the pockets after deep cleaning. However, oral antibiotics may be necessary to completely eliminate infection-causing bacteria.

Dental Health Tips:

  • Brush your teeth properly: Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen tooth enamel.
  • Clean between the teeth: Use dental floss or interdental brushes daily to remove plaque and food debris that the brush cannot reach.
  • Visit the dentist regularly: Go to the dentist at least twice a year for routine check-ups and professional teeth cleaning.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks that can lead to tooth decay. Eat more fruits, vegetables and calcium-rich foods to maintain strong teeth.
  • Avoid tobacco products: Smoking and sniffing can cause dental problems and gum disease. Try to stop or reduce the use of these products for better dental health.
  • Protect your teeth during activities: Use a mouth guard during sports activities or when you perform activities with a risk of tooth damage.
  • Care for dentures: If you have dentures, be sure to clean them regularly and store them safely to avoid damage and infection.

Follow these tips to maintain healthy oral health and a brilliant smile!

Periodontitis Treatment

(✔) Thorough cleaning of the gums

(✔) Combating gingivitis

(✔) Preventive measures for dental health